
Becoming a member of The Bridge at Austin is the most important step you can take to ensure our community’s proposed are funded and that our proposed ball fields, trails, and programs become a reality. Your investment today will ultimately help us to develop the projects that will keep “The Bridge at Austin” healthy, prosperous, and connected to our community.

  • Sustainability of the playground (mulch, Paint, Pressure washing)
  • Stabilizing the existing field
  • Restoring the community garden with ten (10) raised beds
  • Construct a walking trail to include benches, mile markers


Platinum Sponsor ($10,000.00)

Programs are funded and that our front of the playground. Name will be printed on Annual Luncheon. Memoriam/ 5 Honorarium Brick will be placed on the walk path. Logo on shirts, flyers and event banners of all special events for one year if donation is made prior to March 1st.   Naming rights of the walking trail.


Gold Sponsor ($5,000 to $9,999)

Cash or in-kind donations will be acknowledged on the scoring board located at the front of the playground. Name will be printed on Annual Luncheon program. Memoriam/3 Honorarium Brick will be placed on the walk path. Logo on shirts, flyers and event banners of all special events for one year if donation is made prior to March 1st. Naming rights of the Community Garden.


Silver Sponsor ($2,500 to $4,999)

Cash or in-kind donations will be printed on Annual Luncheon program.

Name will be printed on Annual Luncheon. Memoriam/Honorarium Brick will be placed on the walk path. Park Bench purchased in your honor.


Bronze Sponsor ($1,000 to $2,499)

Cash or in-kind donations will be printed on Annual Luncheon program.

Name will be printed on Annual Luncheon. Memoriam/Honorarium Brick will be placed on the walk path. Naming Right


Pewter Sponsor ($500 to $999)

Cash or in-kind donations will be printed on Annual Luncheon program. Name will be printed on Annual Luncheon. Memoriam/Honorarium Brick will be placed on the walk path.


Good Neighbor Sponsor ($100 to $499)

Cash or in-kind donations will be printed on Annual Luncheon program.


To sign in as a sponsor, email [email protected] with desired sponsorship level on the subject line. For more information, phone 404-534-3322.